quantitative easing

quantitative easing Articles

Quantitative Easing, or QE, is a term that many investors were forced to understand.  Then came QE2 as an even more difficult pill to swallow.  After the FOMC or any central bank has taken rates to...
Updated throughout the day. David Solomon may be the next CEO of Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) (Reuters) Nokia (NYSE: NOK) and Siemens will restructure their joint venture after a failure to find an...
Today’s commodities watch offers some thoughts about the coming end of the Federal Reserve’s QE2 program and the effect that will have on commodity prices.  One could make a pretty good argument...
The bank and financial bailouts followed by the subsequent $1.5 tillion (or $2.2 trillion) spent and the actions after a zero-rate environment were quantitative easing enough and became called...
The SEC has a plan to lower market volatility (Reuters) A re-balancing of the Nasdaq 100 cuts Apple’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) influence on the index (Reuters) John Chambers, the head of Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO)...
The equivalent of PMI in Europe is starting to look like China’s. EuroStat announced that “In January 2011 compared with January 2010, industrial producer prices gained 6.1% in the euro area and...
Ben Bernanke does not like deficits and increases in the national debt. He also believes that the economy needs to be stimulated which is why he continues to maintain his faith in QE2. The new Budget...
“Until we see a sustained period of stronger job creation, we cannot consider the recovery to be truly established.” Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, February 9, Before the Committee on the...
The  SEC will try to make market traders less reliant on ratings agencies. (Reuters) GM (NYSE: GM) will set up a profit-sharing plan for workers. (WSJ) S&P warned Japan on its credit rating....
The FOMC Minutes from the December 14, 2010 meeting are out, and you can forget the bulk of the commentary.  This is about justification and rationalizing its second round of Quantitative Easing, or...
The FOMC, as expected, has left the Fed Funds rate unchanged in another 10 to 1 vote.  More important is the FOMC’s outlook on the economy, inflation, and on quantitative easing progress.  Ben...
Ben Bernanke, out on another tour of the country to support the Fed’s policies, told “60 Minutes” that the $600 billion planned purchase of US bonds may be inadequate. “We’re not very far...
“Globally, both growth and trade are unbalanced. Because a strong expansion in the emerging-market economies will ultimately depend on a recovery in the more advanced economies, this pattern of...
The GM IPO will be the largest eve.r (Reuters) Regulators indicated banks may face large write-offs on mortgages. (Reuters) Demand for the Chevy Volt has risen quickly. (Reuters) Toyota (NYSE: TM)...
Verdict: Good There is no turning back now. The Federal Reserve plans to implement QE2 like it already said it would do two weeks ago. But, Ben Bernanke has proven once again that he will not be...