
RealtyTrac Articles

When discussing human impact on the environment, the focus is often on the global and national levels. But the impact can also be a major problem at the local level, resulting in poor environmental...
ThinkstockNearly 38% of homes and condos purchased nationwide in the second quarter were all-cash transactions. While this was slightly lower than the previous quarter’s three-year high of 42% of...
The foreclosure rate nationwide moved higher by 7% in August, but several states, led by Florida, had the worst of it.
Buying a home is likely the largest purchase most Americans will ever make. But while in some areas homeowners are more easily able to afford to buy, in others they need to spend much more of their...
Depending on which real estate data analysts use, the housing market in America is either red hot or improvements have slowed considerably.
ThinkstockForeclosure activity in the United States rose by 2% in July, a move so small that it does not say much about the direction of the housing industry. The foreclosure situation remains dire...
ThinkstockRealtyTrac’s monthly report on foreclosures nationwide has primarily good news. New foreclosures in June were at the lowest level since July 2006, since “before the housing price bubble...
ThinkstockThe U.S. real estate market has been on the mend for several years. While many Americans witnessed the values of their homes drop precipitously during the recession, markets have been...
ThinkstockEven as home-flipping activity has generally declined in the past year, it continues to be quite widespread in parts of the country. In some counties, home flippers still buy large numbers...
While home flipping activity in the U.S. has declined over the past year, in many markets the practice is still quite popular and provides high returns. Home flippers generally buy a home, renovate...
ThinkstockForeclosure filings in the United States dropped 5% in May, compared with April, and 26% compared with May 2013, according to data released Tuesday by RealtyTrac. Florida, Maryland and...
ThinkstockThe percentage of U.S. homes purchased in all-cash transactions rose to 42.7% in the first quarter of 2014, up from 37.8% in the prior quarter and 19.1% in the first quarter of 2013....
ThinkstockAs the national housing market continues to rebound, real estate investors are trying their hand at home flipping — buying and selling a house within six months. While in some markets...
ThinkstockDetroit has started to auction homes for as little as $1,000 each. Its Building Detroit website launched Monday with 15 homes and a series of rules buyers must follow once they take...
ThinkstockInternational homebuyers are attracted to the United States for a number of reasons. These include favorable housing prices, good weather, the country’s relative economic stability and...