
smartphone Articles

The number of people who use connected 4G devices in China reached 770 million last year, well over twice the U.S. population. No wonder China has become a bloody battleground for markets of...
Although there is a big fight in the wireless space to grab as many customers as possible, the question remains which company is actually offering the best unlimited data plan.
Verizon and T-Mobile run neck-and-neck in high-speed data network connectivity and speed.
Does it seem possible that Nokia could be back in the news over a phone launch — or a phone relaunch?
Apple's 2016 sales in China drop 23%, but the company remains the fourth-ranked volume sales leader in the country.
Apple reported its first-quarter earnings this past week, and the stock popped and analysts chased it even higher.
Earnings propped up Apple's stock for Wednesday’s rally, but as more analysts continue to weigh in the stock it could run even more.
Investors were surprised by better than expected sales of the iPhone 7 in the final quarter of last year. Apple topped Samsung in global smartphone shipments, reversing a lead Samsung has enjoyed for...
Apple is scheduled to report its fiscal first-quarter financial results on Tuesday after the markets closed. A fair number of analysts already have weighed in on Apple.
Apple has not fared well in the Indian market share wars, even though the company reportedly sold more than 2 million iPhones in India in 2016
2017 outlook for privately held firms in the on-demand food business, the cheap smartphone business and marijuana-related businesses.
One measure of the holiday sales of consumer electronics is how many of the products sold are activated by owners. Apple won that race hands down.
The new (perhaps, last?) frontier for traditional retailers are mobile payment systems that let consumers wave or tap their smartphones to pay at a retail terminal.
In the past two years, media consumption by means of mobile apps has nearly tripled in the United States. At the end of 2014, an average U.S. user spent 46 minutes a day consuming media in mobile...
Shipments of 4G smartphones will hit a milestone this year as they pass 1 billion. The future may not be as bright.