
smartphone Articles

24/7 Wall St. has decided to take a look at what the analysts are saying about Apple now after its earnings report.
RadioShack remains a company with an uncertain future, but a new effort is being tried in hopes that it may fix the ailing company's store traffic.
Google has pushed its way further into the smartphone business -- as if the business were not crowded enough.
Apple has confirmed that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be available in 36 more countries and territories during the month of October.
For the three-month period ending in August, Samsung Electronics gained 1.1% of market share in the U.S. smartphone market.
Samsung Electronics posted unusually weak numbers in a forecast for third-quarter results. Is that bad news for major rival Apple?
Hands-free devices built for use in cars are supposed to take away the danger of people texting and talking on traditional smartphones and related devices.
When investors hear the word "analyst downgrade" pertaining to Apple they sometimes get a bit panicked or defensive.
Two different Wall Street analyst reports point to better developments in Intel's mobile chip efforts.
Many investors remain confused about BlackBerry's turnaround hopes. It appears that analysts are struggling to find equilibrium as well.
BlackBerry reported less-awful-than-expected second-fiscal quarter 2015 earnings before markets opened Friday morning.
24/7 Wall St. wanted to take a look under the hood to see what is really in store for Nxt-ID and what its prospects are after recent news.
The PC industry has been under pressure for some time as the use of tablets and smartphones has completely replaced personal computers in many cases.
Net Element saw its shares surge Wednesday morning in the first hour of trading.
Apple reported that it had sold more than 4 million of its new iPhones in the first 24 hours that the devices were available for pre-ordering.