wind energy

wind energy Articles

In 2017, 18% of all electricity generation in the U.S. came from renewable sources, double their contribution of just 10 years ago and nearly equal to generation from nuclear power.
Danish wind-turbine maker Vestas plans to branch out into designing and building systems that include solar panels and battery storage.
Global corporate purchases of long-term green energy contracts reached a record high in 2017.
Global investment in clean energy topped $333 billion in 2017. China spent slightly more than half that total while the United States spent about 17%.
Google announced last week that it had added 536 megawatts to its renewable energy portfolio. The company has met its goal of sourcing 100% of its power consumption from renewable sources this year.
A new report indicates that the unsubsidized cost of solar and wind electricity generation continues to fall.
Third-quarter global investment in clean energy generation totaled $67 billion, an increase of 3% over the second quarter and 40% over the third quarter of 2016.
US investment in energy efficiency is estimated to account for up to $115 billion of total global investment of $1.7 trillion last year. That's good, but we have to do better.
A US Department of Energy review of the country's electricity grid is due out as early as this week and may not reach the conclusions the Trump administration expected.
Total Chinese electricity generation from renewable sources surpassed US generation last year, while overall renewable generation rose by 14.1% year over year in 2016.
Between now and 2040, global spending on new electricity generation capacity is forecast to reach $10.2 million, with nearly 75% of the investment being made in renewable energy generation.
The renewable energy industry supports less than 10 million jobs worldwide, a number that seems small based on the breadth of an industry that is supposed to replace the bulk of traditional energy...
There have been many uncertainties around all aspects of alternative energy and renewable energy of late. After all, the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States has come with a...
TPI Composites intends to sell more than 4 million shares in a secondary offering valued up to more than $101 million.
Denmark's Vestas edges out GE to lead 2016 new wind power installations, while the number of offshore wind installations tumbled from the previous year.