alternative energy

alternative energy Articles

Toyota's plans for the next decade plus are ambitious, but they may run into a wall of competition for a market that could be smaller than expected.
Short interest in solar energy stocks dropped in the two-week period to November 30 and absolutely tumbled in clean liquid fuels stocks.
Google announced last week that it had added 536 megawatts to its renewable energy portfolio. The company has met its goal of sourcing 100% of its power consumption from renewable sources this year.
Toyota and Fuel Cell Energy are building a fuel cell power generation plant at Toyota's facilities at the Port of Long Beach. The plant will generate electricity, hydrogen, and water.
Electric car sales are up by nearly 50% for the first nine months of 2017 and are on target to surpass 1 million in sales for the year including only all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Volkswagen on Friday announced strategic commitments totaling some $82.5 billion in electric cars and other new technologies as the company maps a strategic direction for the future.
The International Energy Agency believes the number of electric cars worldwide will reach 280 million by 2040.
Short interest in solar and alternative energy stocks remained mixed in the two-week reporting period ended October 31. Of the seven stocks we watch, three saw an increase and four a decrease in...
Just 20 world cities account for 40% of all electric vehicles on the world's roads according to a new study by the International Council on Clean Transportation.
OPEC on Tuesday released its 2017 World Oil Outlook. The publication projects the future of the world's oil markets and sees at least one potential big bump in the road.
The fuel used to generate electricity has a significant impact on the amount of greenhouse gas an electric car can be charged with emitting. Here's how the world's 12 largest economies rank.
The House Republican tax reform plan unveiled on Thursday includes a provision to eliminate the $7,500 tax credit to U.S. consumers who purchase an electric car.
A new report indicates that the unsubsidized cost of solar and wind electricity generation continues to fall.
Automaker Tesla posted a larger than expected loss Wednesday afternoon and pushed out its production ramp on the Model 3 by a full quarter.
As demand for electric vehicles surges, so does demand for cobalt, an essential metal used in making battery cathodes. The current price is $60,000 a ton and it could rise by a third next year.