
Gallup Articles

Gallup data confirms what Comscore and National Retail Federation research have already hinted. Holiday sales in 2011 may rise to levels that were hardly dreamed of just months ago. This will...
How wealthy does someone have to be to be wealthy? Not too much, according to a new poll by Gallup. The data show that Americans, who the government says have a median household income...
Consumer confidence and sentiment have reset back to recession levels. That raises the problem of low spending for the holidays. It also may cause businesses to cut costs again in anticipation that...
The Nation Retail Federation expects holiday sales to rise 2.8% to $466 billion this year. That estimate has already been questioned as unemployment stays above 9% and discretionary income remains...
Obese people do not just risk their own health; their health problems cripple the economy. GDP would be given a boost if the number of fat people fell sharply. The Obama administration has not made...
Among the large numbers of issues that are said to prove that the recession never ended is whether Americans can afford the “basics” that have been part of what the middle class has been able to...
Consumer spending moved down fairly sharply in September. It is not just a sign of slowing. If a new Gallup tracking poll is right, improvements in consumer activity that occurred in late 2010 are...
The Gallup poll about job creation should be a decent predictor of what official government numbers will show about September employment numbers. The data are the result of interviews of 500 people...
It is odd that economic confidence should be tied to the stock market. According to Gallup, it is, even though the great majority of American do not own stocks — at least not directly. ...
How could the federal government waste over 50% of the money it spends? Where could it possibly go? A new Gallup poll shows that “Americans estimate that the federal government wastes 51 cents of...
Americans can see the writing on the wall. The economy is no longer creating new jobs. August unemployment was flat. Private sector job additions have slowed to a few thousand a  month. These...
Fewer Americans care about whether their bosses are women. That is, ironically, in contrast to whether companies are willing to promote women to management. Gallup reports that, “Americans would...
If pessimism on the part of the employed population is an important indicator, then there is another sign that the U.S. economy has faltered. A new Gallup poll shows that “American workers’...
No one would be shocked by research that shows Americans view the federal government negatively. What might be unexpected is just how much they do. The percentage of people who view the federal...