U.S. Department of the Treasury

U.S. Department of the Treasury Articles

Japanese bond yields have managed to hit a new low. This happened on a day where stocks were selling off after three weeks of gains, so it seems to have helped push down yields in the United States...
TrimTabs noted that tax collection flows indicate that the U.S. economy has been decelerating since last fall and could be headed for a recession if this trend continues.
The Currency in Circulation report shows how much real money is actually out in the economy.
Another 10-year Treasury note auction has come and gone, and the auction should not be viewed as a disruptive one.
The United States is supposed to be the strongest of the developed economies in 2015, but the persistent low yields in interest rates may signal something entirely different. It is widely expected...
It is hard on the surface to consider that a U.S. budget deficit of nearly $439 billion for the U.S. government's fiscal year 2016 is good news.
ThinkstockThis week will bring yet another FOMC meeting where the U.S. Federal Reserve will release its decision on interest rates for Fed Funds. Whether or not that new announcement comes with a...
Jon OggThe market is just going to have to get used to the notion that the interest rate hike cycle is coming. The good news is that the rate hikes are not coming in June, at least that is what the...
Despite low participation, the 30-year Treasury bond with a 3.00% coupon just went off at a yield of 2.43% after a substantial premium pricing -- the lowest yield we have ever seen.
When interest rates will be raised by the Federal Reserve has been debated for quite some time. Now it looks like the rates may not be raised until later in 2015 than previously expected.
Investors have decided that the U.S. government should only have to pay 3.074% to borrow money for its 30-year bonds in the latest long bond auction.
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are being sued for breach of contract for allegedly not paying promised dividends.
The U.S. Treasury has finally made its proposed effort to deal with the waves of corporate tax inversions that have created such a stir of late.
ThinkstockThe U.S. Treasury has issued its budget for the month of August 2014, showing a deficit of $128.708 billion. The report is based upon receipts (taxes and income) of $194.248 billion and...
ThinkstockFollowing the financial crisis of 2008, the U.S. Treasury was authorized to commit up to $700 billion to a troubled asset relief program — TARP — in an effort to stop the bleeding in...