
Volkswagen Articles

With car sales for every major passenger car company now reported, investors are wondering who won and who lost.
Volkswagen has the challenge of paying enough for the cars to keep owners from believing they have been cheated a second time.
The California Air Resources Board on Tuesday rejected a proposal by Volkswagen Group to fix the defeat device on the company's 2.0-liter turbo-diesel vehicles.
For the first time since 2002, global sales of Volkswagen vehicles declined year over year in 2015.
The financial viability of Volkswagen can be questioned once again, based on rumors of a huge buy back of cars sold in the United States.
Falling gasoline prices have, at least temporarily, slowed the improvement in the average fuel efficiency of cars Americans choose to buy. Since reaching a peak of 25.8 miles per gallon (mpg) in...
The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a civil suit seeking damages from Volkswagen for the vehicles it sold in the United States that were equipped with a device to defeat emissions testing.
Audi, one of the luxury divisions of Volkswagen, along with Porsche, will cut spending, most likely as a means to help VW keep its cash war chest in light of legal costs from its diesel engine...
The first part of Volkswagen's nightmare may be behind it, but the second part is just about to begin. How does the company fix the 11 million vehicles?
Beijing has issued another warning that severe air pollution has hit a level at which industrial production may be cut and that will cause people to remain in their homes.
Volkswagen has hired Kenneth Feinberg to create a compensation program for U.S. owners of more than 500,000 VW diesel-powered cars with software enabling the cars to lower carbon emissions when being...
Ford and GM sales in Europe during November will outpace impressive overall increases in the market.
Worldwide sales of Volkswagen vehicles fell more than 2.2% in November, while U.S. sales fell more than 15%.
Workers at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga have taken steps that will almost assure they will become part of the United Auto Workers (UAW).
Thanks to the Volkswagen emissions scandal, GM and Ford now have a chance to step into the gap in the European passenger car market.